Social Media Post from Mar 05, 2024

Species protection & solar systems – does that fit together? šŸ¤”

Yes! Because solar farms seal less than one percent of their area. Our plants are rarely walked on, which makes them safe havens for endangered animals and plants. We also promote biodiversity with a number of measures:
šŸŒ¼ Sowing species-rich wildflower mixtures
šŸŒ³ Sowing of the areas with grass seed, hedges, and trees
šŸ Setting up hotels for amphibians, bees or bats
šŸ¦Ž Creating deadwood piles or clearance cairns to provide shelter for sand lizards or slow worms
šŸ¦Œ Providing extra-wide corridors between the module rows for deer
šŸ‡ Erecting raised fences to enable small mammals to enter the solar farm
In this way, our solar systems can not only produce clean energy, but also make a valuable contribution to #speciesconservation!

#biodiversity #artenvielfalt #tagdesartenschutzes #belectric #belectrified #solarenergy #greenenergy #renewables